
23 Things

Listed below are 23 Things (or activities) that you can do on the web to explore and expand your knowledge of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools.

Summer Series 2010 Session
Start Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Complete ALL 23 Things by Wednesday, August 11, 2010.

If finished by August 11th, players will receive a certificate indicating 18 hours of participation.

Ready! Set! Play! Begin here. (Be sure and click on the hot links. They tell you what to do!)

23 Things*
Week 1: Life Long Learning

Week 2: Blogging and Avatars

(Remember the weeks are just guidelines. You may use your own timeline as long as you finish on time! You do NOT have to have things done by any date EXCEPT the final date -- August 11th)

  • Thing #3: Set up your own blog, create an avatar, and add a post about what you did.
  • Thing #4: Register your blog and begin your 23 Things @ TTU journey. (To be officially registered you must have written posts for Thing 2 and Thing 3.)

Week 3: Photos & Images

Week 4: RSS & Newsreaders

Week 5: Hodge-Podge

Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati

Week 7: Wikis & Rollyo

Week 8: Online Applications & Tools

Week 9: Videos, Podcasts, & Nings

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* Note: This project is loosely based upon the website 43Things (which allows you to set and track personal goals) and the Stephen Abram article titled 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006). This adaptation comes largely from Librar2Play: 23 Things which is addapted from School Library Learning 2.0 An online learning program for CSLA members and friends and Learning 2.0 Through Play by Mary Woodard Library Director at Mesquite ISD, Texas.

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